About Us

Western Bio-Tech, LLC, (Western Bio-Tech) was formed in May of 2010, in Wyoming. Its purpose is to perform research and development on methodologies surrounding platinum uptake into food sources, for human consumption. Robert J. Van Risseghem and the owners of Western Environmental Services, Inc., believe they have the expertise, timing and equipment to pursue the conversion of platinum into a biodegradable form, which led to the formation of Western Bio-Tech. The new company began operating with the goal of achieving its business’ test hypothesis “That Platinum can be delivered to humans via a plant containing Bio-platinum within its cells.

Robert’s ability to convert metals into bioavailable minerals started the development of bioavailable Ruthenium, Gold, Silver, Selenium, Germanium, and Molybdenum, between 2010 and 2016. The Soil Solutions product line began with the production of the GTF Formula, in 2013. This product line has grown to six products and is developing new products, every year.

Naturally Noble was formed to provide food based bioavailable minerals to the general public. The operation moved to the Heaven’s Hope Nutritional Park, in LaGrange, Wyoming in 2014. In the future, the park will provide nutritional education and practical product application instructions, to the public. Expected completion of the park is 2018.

Soil Solutions soil conditioners are manufactured with certified bioavailable minerals that meet food grade and/or reagent grade products. Naturally Noble’s food products are all Non-GMO, Certified lab tested and grown under the USDA’s food safety regulations. We are excited to deliver these products to our customers through Heaven’s Hope, our Natural Health Products Store.

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